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How to Choose the Right Dryer for Your Egg Tray Making Machine?

Views : 530
Author : HGHY
Update time : 2020-10-21
The critical role of packaging produced with egg tray making machine can consider in the preservation and storage of materials during the stages of transportation, marketing, storage, distribution and consumption. For example, the proper packaging of eggs and the materials used in their packaging is directly related to maintaining the quality of the egg because there are tiny microscopic holes in the calcareous shell of the egg that exchanged with the outside air. The presence of these pores makes the internal components of the egg more stable and increases its nutritional value.
egg tray

Therefore, proper packaging with an egg tray machine can lead to more excellent protection of the producer's capital. Although each step is significant in the production of paper mold egg cartons, in particular, the drying process strongly affects the quality and performance of the final product. HGHY Group is an expert egg plate machine provider, which has around 20 years of involvement with assembling and trading different pulp molding production lines. In this article, HGHY will reveal all secrets of how to choose the right dryer for egg tray making machine.
HGHY egg tray machine manufacturer

Three essential points before deciding on the type of egg tray making machine dryer

Although most of the processes are done by the egg tray making machine after the egg trays pass through the ovens to harden them, they still need to be completely dry. This can usually be done, by exposing them to the sun, a process that most owners of a manual egg tray machine typically do. Still, a fully automatic egg tray machine can dry automatically. The larger the egg tray making machine dryer unit, the faster you will be able to dry all the egg trays you make. When done, these would then be able to be utilized to sort and pack the eggs that you are offering to the various merchants that are working with you. Therefore, choosing the right type of dryer is critical to the production efficiency and quality of egg tray(cartons). 

1. The size and output of your store floor
Different dryers require different spaces because each has further production efficiencies. So we have to make a wise choice in choosing a dryer according to the output needs and floor size.

2. Accessibility of Fuel

In the dryer section, the molded combs of the egg tray making machine are exposed to heat to dry. In this section, different fuels can use to generate heat. But paying attention to fuel economy is very important. Fuels such as coal, natural gas, Diesel or wood are commonly used during the drying process. Manufacturers should make the best choice according to the working environment conditions, fuel cost and availability of the desired fuel.
pulp molded egg tray

3. Buyer feedback
 In fact, at the time of each purchase, we can easily find other opinions about that product and read the buyers' experience with that particular item. The same goes for choosing a dryer. After selecting a suitable dryer for the egg tray making machine, it is imperative to read the experiences provided by the customers who have used it before. You can quickly get information about product details, customer ratings and ratings, as well as their comments and criticisms, through the product seller's website or the social networks in which the product seller operates.
HGHY egg tray production line

Finally, as mentioned, the drying process is one of the most critical methods in the production of paper egg trays, because it can say that it will determine the performance and quality of the final product, so it is vital to choose the right dryer for the business. HGHY company, which has been active in this industry since 1995 and has the necessary standards and honors in this field, can provide any advice and guidance in choosing a suitable dryer for your business if you need it. So feel free to communicate with us and share your problems and questions with us.
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